News &

Members: Remember that the best method to stay connect to the latest SBC happenings is to sign up for the weekly Communique emails. Contact the Church Office if you aren't currently receiving them!
In the Great Physician's Care
Please remember our Sick and Shut-In in your daily prayers.
Daily Prayer
Join us for Second Baptist Church’s daily prayer ministry! Monday through Friday, at 6:00 a.m. CST. To access the telephone prayer line, please call 267-930-4000. The access code is 700-706-091#.
Our services/church activities are recorded for public broadcast via livestream or digital recording and dissemination via CD/DVD or other digital format. By entering the service/event premises, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for live streaming, promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, and/or any other purpose by Second Baptist Church.
We make every effort NOT TO photograph or video record congregants seating in our Safe Zone located in the overflow area in the back of the sanctuary.
Any adult may complete the Second Baptist Church Media “Opt-Out” Form for themselves or their children/legal guardian children if they do not wish to be featured in any Second Baptist Church publications.
The Media “Opt-Out Form” may be obtained from the church office, kiosk in the lobby or on the Downloads page of this website.